With Java < 8, you would need to write something like:
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(Calendar.HOUR, cal.get(Calendar.HOUR) + 2);
vs. with Java 8:
Calendar.getInstance() is not very well named: it is hard to tell which instance you are getting without reading the Javadoc. LocalTime.now() is quite self-describing: you get a time and it is now.
To offset a date, you call an offsetting method (plus) whereas with the Calendar API, you have to manually change the fields of the object (in this example, the hour) which is error prone.
ease of use (see for example the table towards the bottom of this page for a comparison):
the Calendar API is complicated to use because it mixes concepts, such as a simple date (June 26th 2015) and an instant in time (June 26th 2015 at 10am UTC) – there isn’t a class for the former concept
The new Time API has a clear separation between the various date/time concepts
LocalTime now = LocalTime.now();
LocalTime later = now.plus(2, HOURS);
The improvements are essentially on